Funding for ages 16 to 25.

Please complete the form with as much detail as possible so that we can consider your grant application. Please email any supporting documents to the Clerk to The Trustees as soon as possible (e.g receipts of purchase). Please note that evidence of financial need is not required for University students.

There is no limit on how many times a student can apply, but generally students apply for an amount to cover the books they need that academic year. There is no time limit on when the funding needs to be spent, so you could order some books in at the start of the academic year (for which you will be reimbursed), and then again later in the year for which you will receive reimbursement, up to the awarded amount given.

When will I hear if I was successful?

Trustees meet three times a year to review applications. You will hear by email within 5 days of each meeting. Meetings are usually held in September, February and June.